Rethinking Robert Lepage: The Next Decade of Lepage Studies: an Online Panel Discussion

Forty years into his career, Robert Lepage remains Québec and Canada’s best-known and most talked-about theatre director, but his impact has been hard to pin down. The scholars on this panel will try to do just that, by considering questions of legacy, influence, and responsibility. What has Lepage contributed to theatre and performance, and to what extent did controversies about cultural appropriation in two of his 2018 productions tarnish his reputation and brand?

On November 27, 2020 on Zoom, panelists Christie Carson (independent scholar, UK), Karen Fricker (Brock University), Melissa Poll (Simon Fraser University), and James Reynolds (freelance writer, UK) and chair Peter Dickinson (Simon Fraser University) took part in a lively 90 minutes of discussion and debate. You can watch back here.